Om kurset/About the course
Global Change Ecology er et kurs som undervises på Instiutt for biologi våren 2015. Kurset starter mandag 26.01.2015. John-Arvid Grytnes og Anne E. Bjune er ansvarlig for kurset.
Global Change Ecology is a course taught at Department of Biology during spring 2015. The first lecture is Monday 26.01.15. John-Arvid Grytnes and Anne E. Bjune are responsible for the course.
Humans have an increasing effect on global biodiversity through habitat change, pollution, overharvesting, introduction of invasive species, and through our effect on the global climate. Global Change Ecology will give an overview on how humans change the environment and how biodiversity have been and will be affected by these changes. The main focus will be on climatic changes and its effect on ecosystems and biodiversity, but also the other factors will be discussed. The course will therefore start with a lecture about the knowledge status of climate change and a second lecture about how the climate has changed before humans had any impact on the climatic systems. Then we will discuss the observed and predicted impact this have on terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, before discussing other human-related drivers of ecological change.